Heck when I have my babies I am getting on a plane and flying to Mindy's house from wherever I am. Mindy the second midwife I am staying with started her own birth center here complete with a birthing room, whirlpool water bath, swinging hammock, and garden patio. Yes I wish everyone could deliver there baby in a heaven such a this. I went to my first birth of the trip today (though we missed it by about 30 minutes). I spend my mid-days following Mindy in her everyday life- so far counseling women, assisting in births, and visiting with women post-birth. In the mornings and evening I peruse the countryside while the light is good and when the light is not good?...upload pictures and sit on my but in a hammock eating amazing food and reading "the coming plague". I think I have a new found love for eggplant!
I am going to ad some photos though so you can get a sense of this place and hit the sack. Enjoy!
This is Rotem a trapeze artist who is afraid of heights. She has come to Mindy to seek some pre-natal counseling for the baby for which she wants Mindy to deliver at her home.
Maya is shown bellow 1 hour after delivering this baby via water birth.
Can't wait to read more as the posts come in.